Monday, December 9, 2013

Last Week at Vardon School

This week is my last week at vardon school and I am so sad. I will have to leave most of my friends, My teaches, the safe community when I move on to Maeroa. I am excited to move on because my teacher at maeroa is awesome and one of best friends is in my class. I am in the DLU which stands for the differentiated learning unit. This will extend my learning. I have enjoyed my time at vardon and I will miss this school.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Kiwi kids quiz

Today I did the kiwi kids quiz and  I got 11/11. I thought I did really well.

Monday, November 25, 2013

This weeks words

In room 12 some children have been using a spelling app called weeks words.In room 12 we use it as a substitute for teacher testing. On the app there are some special activities to help you learn your words. They are listen to your words and tap the correct one, filling in the correct words and a practice test. Then you click on test time and do your actual test. then it comes up with a page that shows if you got them correct. Here is a fotobabble on what I think about this app.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


For maths we are doing algebra.  Today for algebra we had a problem solving activity involving a shortage of tent pegs.  Here is the problem.  
The youth group are having a camp. they needed to put up tents for each team. Usually it takes eight large pegs to hold up each of their tents. This time they have a problem. They are very short on large tent pegs.

Leader: "Find some ways to put up tents that will save pegs" (Talking to the groups).

We had to work with a classmate to find a least three ways to put up ten tents.  Then we had to find out which of the ways used the least amount of pegs.

Katie and I made a way that only used 39 pegs but then Brooke came and looked at our layout and suggested that we could take some pegs away and join them to others.  Our second layout came to 36 pegs. The white bits of paper is the tents and the green counters are the pegs.  We had the least amount of pegs in the end and some people got up to 60 pegs altogether.  

Picture one is the first design:                                    Picture two is the second design:       

Thursday, November 7, 2013

100 word Challenge (Week 10)

I woke up early in the morning and lay in bed thinking about the fishing trip I was going on. When I was ready I scampered into the passenger seat next to dad and we drove to the wharf. When we arrived I started carrying the equipment to the end of the wharf. Dad ­­helped me  cast my line  and immediately I got a big bite, My line started shaking and the fish edged me closer to the water then SPLASH I fell into the  sea head first, Dad had to haul me out of the sea. I was drenched!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013


3,2,1 I'm unique let me tell you why there is no one like me or is there! Kia Ora my name is Emily and I am going to tell you what happened behind the senecs in room 12 vardon school (speeches). Last week we did speeches, we had three topics, Culture and me, my Cultural discovery or I'm unique let me tell you why. The maxim time for our speeches was 3,minutes 30 and the minim was 2 minutes 30. We all presented our speeches in front of our classrooms, I did my speech on I'm unique let me tell you why ( The first line in this post is the first line in my speech). The top four speeches went through to the semi-finals against the senior syndicate. For my speech my score was 100/100 Yay! so that meant I went through to the semi-finals. In the semi-finals I got 177 points out of 200 that meant I came first and now I am going to the finals Yay again.